About Us
...where "Living "in the Pass" is a great thing!
About Wendy ...
After being born and raised in Lethbridge, I spent ten years working in the Calgary real estate industry. I then returned "home" to Lethbridge as "Wendy Carney, the pet groomer and "Chumleys Pet Salon" was born! (Although Chumley was the name of my brother's cat, many clients thought that was my last name). During this time I attended LCC as a "mature" student" and obtained my Interior Design designation. As this is more about space planning, renovating, and possibility thinking it is a "value added" skill offered to our clients. After again acquiring my real estate licence I proceeded to obtain my brokerage credentials.
My early summers were spent at our family cabin in Waterton Lakes. Between a variety of seasonal jobs there I grew to appreciate the abundance of wildlife, crisp air, life style, and beautiful scenery that these Rocky Mountains offer.
In 2002 the Crowsnest Pass and the "Rockies" beckoned my husband and I to invest in this amazing area of Alberta. We LOVE living here! Our grown children and grand kids too think it is a wonderful place and visit often.
Tel: (403) 563-0500
Email: wendyleevalley@gmail.com
Email: wendyleevalley@gmail.com
About Ann (from Wendy's perspective)...
Ann Kibala was born and raised in Bellevue, Crowsnest Pass. She has explored virtually every inch of this beautiful southwestern Alberta area via "sledding", ATV, and horseback, and is an excellent resource for information.
In addition to residential investments, Ann is particularly knowledgeable of acreage and rural properties throughout the Crowsnest Pass and Pincher Creek areas.
Experiencing the acreage life herself, she is no stranger to country living and knows how to "shock a well" when needed! The Kibala family has been raised here to appreciate the plentiful outdoor recreation opportunities offered. Ann with family also own and operate the intriguing "Crowsnest Trading Post" and the year-round "Crowsnest Campground" off Highway 3 at the east entrance of the Crowsnest Pass.
Tel: (403)-563-0332
Email: annkibala@gmail.com